Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How to Speech

For my 'How to Speech' I decided to describe how to make brownies. I believe that the more speech's I do, the more comfortable I become. The first speech, I was really nervous; but by this speech, I'm almost not nervous at all. What I did well, was that I looked at everyone in the class. I also think that I was better at describing my project; and speaking clearly. I also didn't play with my rings at all. I probably didn't play with my rings as much, because I was using my hands more.

What I need to work on is learning how to start and end my speech. I still end with "that's it". I believe I end with that because I'm not sure of what else to say. Also, during this speech there was a lot of silence when I was mixing the batter, etc. I need to work on thinking of more things to talk about during my speech, so I don't bore my audience.

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